How to Uninstall GED-GEN
If you no longer want to use GED-GEN, follow these steps to
remove it from your computer. If you are dissatisfied, or the program did not
meet your needs, please tell me why in an e-mail to
- Click the Start button on the Windows taskbar, then choose All Programs.
- Click on GED-GEN.
- Click Uninstall GED-GEN.
- Follow the instructions displayed to remove it from your computer.
You can also uninstall GED-GEN using the Windows Control Panel.
- Click the Start button on the Windows taskbar, then choose Settings.
- Click on Control Panel.
- Find the Add/Remove Programs icon and double-click on it.
- When the Add/Remove Programs dialog appears, find GED-GEN in the list of programs. Click once on GED-GEN so it appears highlighted.
- Click the Add/Remove button and follow the instructions displayed to remove it from your computer.